Complex Systems Concurrent Engineering: Collaboration, Technology Innovation and Sustainability [Loureiro & Curran, 2007] (hardcover)
Concurrent engineering is well-established as an approach to engineer product parts. However, the concept has much broader application. Complex Systems Concurrent Engineering: Collaboration, Technology Innovation and Sustainability demonstrates how concurrent engineering can be used to benefit the development of complex systems, to produce results that sustain balanced stakeholder satisfaction over time. Gathered from the 14th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering, the collected papers cover all aspects of the sustainable and integrated development of complex systems, such as airplanes, satellites, space vehicles, automobiles and ships.
Complex Systems Concurrent Engineering: Collaboration, Technology Innovation and Sustainability focuses on five major areas:
Knowledge and collaboration engineering and management;
Systems engineering, analysis, modeling, simulation and optimization (including value, cost, risk, and schedule issues);
Product realization processes, methods, technologies and techniques;
Business, management and organization issues (product life cycle processes other than development and manufacturing); and
Information modeling, technology and systems.
Price: $200.00
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